A mask can be defined as a covering used to conceal something or someone from open view. Often times people hide the truth of their painful realities behind makeup, clothing, careers and accomplishments just to name of few. Some will put on the mask as a facade to hide pain, fear or guilt buried deep within their hearts. Women strategically apply makeup and put on games faces to appear to have it all together in front of the outside world. The truth is there is a significant amount of people who are suffering in silence and far too many lives have been lost to suicide.
I was honored to have Alicia Monica share her life changing story of how she rebuilt her life after bearing grief and unexpected traumatic events. She is a powerful, strong, anointed, goal oriented, focused and driven God fearing womanpreneur. Her story is faith filled, courageous and inspiring. I pray someone is blessed by it. Grab your notebooks, pens, pencil and snacks. Get ready to dive in. Prepare your hearts to receive and minds to do the work. Enjoy the show! NATIONAL SUICIDE HOTLINE 1-800-273-8255.
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*I do not own the rights to any of this music*
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